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The cap­ab­il­it­ies of the soft­ware pack­ages used with­in a com­pany in­flu­ences its busi­ness per­form­a­ce to a high de­gree. Stand­ard soft­ware solu­tions are not a good choice for areas re­lated to the core com­pet­ences of a busi­ness. Only the use of cus­tom soft­ware can se­cure a com­pet­it­ive ad­vant­age in these areas.

Our com­pany de­vel­ops cus­tom soft­ware for the use in core com­pet­ence areas of your busi­ness. Cre­at­ing a com­pet­it­ive ad­vant­age for you is our pas­sion.

If you com­mis­sion a project with us, we en­sure that you will get an op­tim­al solu­tion for a com­pet­it­ive price by tak­ing the fol­low­ing meas­ures throughout the project:
  • Con­tin­ous re­quire­ments man­age­ment with mile­stones
  • Rap­id Ap­plic­a­tion De­vel­op­ment (RAD) for the eval­u­ation of sys­tem designs
  • Test-driv­en de­vel­op­ment
Handshake That means: You are able to over­see the de­vel­op­ment pro­cess throughout the project. That meas­ure cre­ates trans­par­ency for your ad­vant­age and fosters an en­vir­on­ment of mu­tu­al trust. We present our pro­gress on the project reg­u­larly and en­sure that the product de­vel­ops ac­cord­ing to your ex­pect­a­tions by us­ing a mile­stone-based pro­cess. Thus, no re­sources are wasted due to mis­con­cep­tions re­gard­ing the re­quire­ments.

If your ideas re­gard­ing the product are not yet de­veloped to their full ex­tent at the be­gin­ning of the project, we will ap­ply Rap­id Ap­plic­a­tion De­vel­op­ment to cre­ate in­ex­pens­ive pre­view ver­sions for you in or­der to en­sure that your vis­ions are im­ple­men­ted to their fullest ex­tent in the fi­nal product.
By liv­ing a test-driv­en de­vel­op­ment cul­ture, we can sat­is­fy the highest qual­ity re­quire­ments and en­sure that your product works ex­actly as you are used to it, even after sev­er­al rounds of fur­ther de­vel­op­ments.

Cost ad­vant­ages

If you have spe­cial re­quire­ments re­gard­ing the price of your soft­ware solu­tion, we can cre­ate an of­fer which sat­is­fies the strict­est cost-be­ne­fit ana­lys­is by us­ing Open Source com­pon­ents.

Money Our staff can call on sev­er­al years of ex­per­i­ence with Open Source com­pon­ents and col­lab­or­ates closely with the com­munit­ies around the projects. This en­ables you to gain the best pos­sible ad­vant­ages from the Open Source de­vel­op­ment mod­el.

We are fa­mil­i­ar with the li­cences of these solu­tions and know about the ad­vant­ages and draw­backs of us­ing Open Source soft­ware from sev­er­al years of ex­per­i­ence. We want to use this ex­per­i­ence in or­der to find the op­tim­al com­bin­a­tion of pro­pri­et­ary and Open Source tech­no­logy for you.


Your vis­ions are im­ple­men­ted by highly skilled soft­ware en­gin­eers, who ap­ply their ex­per­i­ence and edu­ca­tion to en­sure that your soft­ware solu­tion max­im­ises the suc­cess of your com­pany. Our staff is fa­mil­i­ar with the most re­cent tech­no­lo­gies and im­ple­ments your solu­tions with pas­sion.

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